Chronic Disorders

With one in ten people in Australia suffering from a chronic disorder, now is never a better time to start implementing complementary medicines to your modern life to help manage these issues.

The role of Chinese Medicine in the management of chronic diseases has long been used in ancient and modern day China and today more research is underway in Australia to include this holistic medicine in the treatment of these illnesses.

Chronic health conditions can be long-lasting and affect your day to day living.
Chinese Medicine uses an holistic approach with a diverse range of treatments such as Acupuncture and Chinese herbs. as well as supplements, lifestyle and diet change, and exercise to help manage your disorder, along side any Western medicine you choose to use.

Not feeling yourself is never a great feeling.

Chinese Medicine sees chronic disorders as blockages, stagnation, excesses or deficiencies and with an in-depth diagnostic process, I work out where I need to focus my treatment for you, as an individual.

Chronic disorders that I have seen in the clinic include, but are also not limited to:

Thyroid issues (hypo and hyper)
Irritable bowl syndrome (IBS)
Mental health disorders (depression and anxiety)
Autoimmune diseases
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

And so so so soooo many more

Chinese Medicine is about getting to the root of your problem holistically, encouraging your body to be in a better state of harmony and health.

If you would like to know whether Chinese Medicine can help you, ask me here.


Fan, X, et al. (2018). Perceptions of traditional Chinese medicine for chronic disease care and prevention: a cross-sectional study of Chinese hospital-based health care professionals, DMC. 18(209). doi: 10.1186/s12906-018-2273-y

Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022). Health Conditions Prevalence.