Menstrual Health

Gynaecology has a deep and rich history in Chinese Medicine with the earliest records dating from 1500-1000BCE. In the period of the Song Dynasty (960-1279CE) the first comprehensive text on gynaecology and obstetrics “The Complete Book of Effective Prescriptions for Diseases of Women” was compiled by Chen Zi-Ming and since then, Chinese Medicine has been used over the years to help all those who bleed.

From the time menstruation begins (menarche) to the time menstruation ends (menopause) Chinese Medicine has historically been used for everything and anything related to the period and the menstrual cycle.

I have seen many different conditions relating to menstruation, such as:

Period Pain
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Heavy periods
Irregular cycles
Polycystic ovaries
Amenorrhoea/no periods

And so many more

Chinese Medicine is about getting to the root of your problem holistically, encouraging your body to be in a better state of harmony and health.

If you would like to know whether Chinese Medicine can help you, ask me here.


Maciocia, G. (2011). Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Chinese Medicine (2nd ed, pg 3-6). Churchill Lingstone Elsevier